Scientific Refrigeration

MCR Solutions provides top-notch scientific refrigeration solutions that help you achieve the best possible results from your research. We are proud suppliers of branded scientific refrigeration solutions that are sure to be a part of your laboratory for years.

World-Class Refrigeration Solutions

The refrigeration solutions that we supply meet the demanding needs of professionals. Our temperature controlling systems are easy-to-use and feature advanced technologies, giving you complete peace of mind.

Every product we offer delivers the best-in-class performance, ensuring 100% satisfaction. Moreover, these refrigeration units meet Australian Standards and can be trusted by professionals across the country.

Maintenance And Repair Services

Once you have got the right refrigeration solution for your laboratory, you need to ensure it always functions perfectly. We can undertake the maintenance work of your refrigeration unit so that you can carry on with your research and experiments in peace.

We know there are going to be times when your fridges and freezers will stop functioning the way they should. In such a case of emergency, you can reach out to us for help. Our team of expert technicians can fix the problem with your refrigeration unit and get back things to normal.